Title: 日本の大学による国際協力への参加に関する研究 : 1990年代以降の工学系高等教育協力を事例として
Authors: 萱島, 信子; KAYASHIMA, Nobuko
Abstract: Academics from Japanese universities have been the chief pillars of higher education cooperation, to which Japanese ODA has attached a high priority, from its beginnings. They constitute two-thirds of the experts in JICA’s technical cooperation projects in the field of engineering education and have made an indispensable contribution to the implementation of cooperation programs. Japanese universities are now facing the need for internationalization, and some of them have begun to show more interest in participating in ODA programs. This paper aims to examine the mechanism of ODA participation by Japanese universities and to investigate its driving forces through a case study of three universities that provide major support for JICA’s engineering education programs, namely Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology and Tokai University. The results indicate that the initiative for ODA participation in Japanese universities has two different sources: one involving professors and the other centering on university administrators. The professors’ initiative tends to be found in engineering fields that have an academic interest in developing countries as well as in research universities. The administrators’ initiative is undertaken in order to have the university participate in ODA as a global contribution, or as a means of internationalizing their educational and research activities.